アファル語からズールー語まで: 絵本の「わたし、ちいさい?」は、出版以降 200 か国語以上に翻訳されています。
このフィリップ・ウィンターバーグ作のストーリーは、世界中のすべての国で少なくとも 1 つの公用語でお求めいただけます。これは地球全体でお求めいただける世界初の子供の本です。
わたし、ちいさい?では、子供も大人も少女のタミアと一緒に素敵な旅に出掛けます。タミアと一緒にサイズとは相対的なもので、タミアはタミアにとって丁度いいサイズなんだということを学びます。業界誌の Eselsohr に「魅惑的」、Börsenblatt に「バイリンガルの家族や幼稚園にピッタリ」、ブックレビュー雑誌の Kirkus Reviews には「魔法の生き物たちや愉快なディテールがたくさんのページをじっくり眺めたい子供たちに [...] シンプルで夢中になれる言葉と創造力豊かな絵で語られるストーリー」という有難い高評価をいただいています。 ワールド・チルドレンズ・ブックには既に 500 人以上の翻訳者たちが参加しています。時にはリサーチに何カ月間もかかり、ウィンターバーグは「チベット語.の翻訳者を見つけるのに 1 年近くもかかりました」と語っています。
この本は現在アラビア語とタガログ語、ポルトガル語とティグリニャ語 (子供の絵を思うわせるような文字を使うエチオピアとエリトリアの言葉) など、何千もの言語の組み合わせでもお求めいただけます。
ワールド・チルドレンズ・ブックプロジェクトは今後何年間、何十年間とかけて成長していく予定です。わたし、ちいさい?を徐々に 500 か国語以上に翻訳していくことが目標です。

"This is baby’s favorite book!" —Feedback from the United States
"Mia figlia di due anni e mezzo è entusiasta dei disegni bellissimi e dei colori. Apprezza anche le vicende di una bimba nè grande nè piccola ma giusta così." —Feedback from Italy
"Muy buen libro infantil. Dinámico, orgánico, perfecto para aprender en romaji. De fácil lectura y con una protagonista realmente encantadora" —Feedback from Mexico
"Beautifully illustrated and cleverly written." —Feedback from Australia
"My three year olds love it and the story’s concept will grow with them for several years to come making it a keeper." —Feedback from the U.S.
"A nuestra hija le ha encantado. [...] Estamos muy satisfechos con la compra." —Feedback from Spain
"The text and illustrations [...] expand your view of the world." -- El País, daily newspaper in Spain
"Whenever I have time to read to her, she wants this book. And she repeats words. That’s insanely cute." —Feedback from Canada
"Muito legal esse livro. Singelo, divertido e relacionado ao universo da criança. Bom pra desenvolver o vocabulário. As ilustrações são lindas. Meu filho adorou." —Feedback from Brazil
"You are small or big depending on with what you relate to. A simple cute book which exactly portrays this message." —Feedback from India
"I got this book to read with my granddaughters, one from the US and one from Portugal. It is so incredibly cute! They loved it, and I did too. I highly recommend this book!" —Feedback from the U.S.
"Ce petit livre est tout ce que j’aime !!! Le graphisme, les couleurs, tout y est magnifiquement soigné, poétique et charmant !!! [...] Une merveille de beauté et de magie à ne pas louper !!!" —Feedback from France
"Written in a very simple way but with a profound message for both adults and kids." —Feedback from the United States
"My little boy loves this as a bedtime story. It’s colourful and quirky. [...] I thought it would be uninteresting to a child, to be read to in another language, but he asks for ’Bin ich klein’ and it melts my heart!" —Feedback from the United Kingdom
"I LOVED it. Lots of repetition to help ’lil ones get used to structure and words! [...] Most importantly, it sends a good message about how being unique and different is good."—ESL Carissa Blog
"This is done with simplicity at its finest. The art is whimsical, the message is clear and most of all my grandson loves it. I would recommend this book to any child provider as part of their reading library." —Feedback from the U.S.
"for children who enjoy lingering over pages full of magical creatures and whimsical details [...] told in simple and engaging words and imaginative pictures.”—Kirkus Reviews
"This has been my daughter’s favourite book since she was 4 months old. The sentences are nice and short so she doesn’t lose interest in the pictures while I’m reading each page." —Feedback from the UK
"I got this book when my daughter was 3 years old. I used to read it for her in English and Arabic. Now, she’s 6 and still loves this book." —Feedback from the United States
"We are in love with this book! [...] I highly recommend this book"—Feedback from the United States
"[...] readers will emerge from this book feeling slightly more confident about themselves—whatever their size."—ForeWord Clarion Reviews

1 000+ ライブラリ
200+ か国語以上に翻訳されています
📖 Сара схәыҷума? (Abkhaz / Abxaz / Abkhazian)
📖 Meyɛ ketewa anaa? (Akan / Twi / Asante)
📖 我细汉系? (Chinese / Min Chinese / Amoy Dialect)
📖 Amʊn naa saa gʊŋɛ aà? (Anii / Gisida / Bassila / Baseca / Akpe)
📖 هل أنا صغيرة؟ (Egyptian Arabic / Masri)
📖 هل أنا صغيرة؟ (Gulf Arabic / el-lahja el-Khalijiyya)
📖 هل أنا صغيرة؟ (Levantine Arabic)
📖 واش أنا صغيرة؟ (Maghrebi Arabic / Moroccan Dialect / Darija)
📖 انا زشعتا؟ (Aramaic / Eastern Aramaic / Mandaic)
📖 Дун гьитlинайищ? (Avar / Avaric)
📖 ¿Jisk’asktti? (Aymara / Central Aymara)
📖 Mən balacayam? (Azerbaijani)
📖 Awak tyang cenik nggih? (Balinese / Bali)
📖 Wala ne ka dɔgɔ wa? (Bambara)
📖 Bin i kloa? (Bavarian / Austro-Bavarian)
📖 Ці я маленькая? (Belarusian)
📖 Sadit ba ako? (Bicolano / Bikol / Coastal Bikol / Bikol Naga)
📖 Mi mi smol? (Bislama / Bichelamar)
📖 Ha gwir eo on bihan ? (Breton)
📖 ငါက သေးငယ်လား? (Burmese / Myanmar)
📖 我個子小嗎? (Cantonese / Yue Chinese)
📖 Ami e pikinoti? (Cape Verdean Creole)
📖 Ndine mwana? (Chewa / Chichewa / Nyanja)
📖 我小吗? (Chinese / Mandarin Chinese [Simplified])
📖 我細小嗎? (Chinese / Mandarin Chinese [Traditional])
📖 Eiu socu chjuca ? (Corsican)
📖 Jesam li ja mala? (Croatian)
📖 آیا من کوچک هستم؟ (Dari / Afghan Persian / Farsi)
📖 އަހަރެން ކުޑަތަ؟ (Dhivehi / Maldivian)
📖 Kuɔɔr ë ɣɛɛn? (Dinka / South Dinka)
📖 Ĉu mi estas malgranda? (Esperanto)
📖 Kas ma olen väike? (Estonian)
📖 Ako ba ay maliit? (Filipino / Tagalog)
📖 Olenko minä pieni? (Finnish)
📖 Je suis petite, moi ? (French)
📖 Bihidefin ihidefich kleiheidefein? (Secret Language / German Chicken Language (Hühnersprache))
📖 Bilewin ilewich kleilewein? (Secret Language / German Spoon Language (Löffelsprache))
📖 I uarereke ngai? (Gilbertese / Kiribati)
📖 Chemichĩ piko che? (Guarani / Paraguayan Guarani)
📖 શું હું નાની છું? (Gujarati)
📖 Eske mwen piti? (Haitian Creole)
📖 Owami omuṱiṱi po? (Herero / Otjiherero)
📖 Ka gamay sa akon? (Hiligaynon)
📖 Lau be maraki a? (Hiri Motu / Police Motu / Pidgin Motu)
📖 Ammuk-za kappish? (Hittite / Nesite)
📖 Bassit nak kadi? (Ilocano / Ilokano)
📖 Apakah aku kecil? (Indonesian)
📖 An bhfuil mé beag? (Irish Gaelic)
📖 Mi likkle? (Jamaican Patois / Jamaican Creole)
📖 Мен кішкентаймын ба? (Kazakh)
📖 ¿In nitz’ na? (K’iche’ / Quiché)
📖 Mukele fioti? (Kongo / Kikongo)
📖 Ez biçûk im? (Kurdish / Northern Kurdish / Kurmanji)
📖 من بچووکم؟ (Kurdish / Central Kurdish / Sorani)
📖 Мен кичинекейминби? (Kyrgyz)
📖 ڪيا مئين ننڍڙي هان؟ (Southern Lahnda / Siraiki / Seraiki / Saraiki)
📖 Bünn ick lüdderk? (Low German / Emslandic)
📖 Ne katshutshu? (Luba-Katanga / Luba-Shaba / Kiluba)
📖 Ndi mutono? (Luganda / Ganda)
📖 Sinn ech kleng? (Luxembourgish)
📖 की हम छोट छी? (Maithili / Bihari)
📖 Би бяцхан гэж үү? (Mongolian)
📖 Da li sam ja mala? (Montenegrin)
📖 Oning nga duwo? (Nauruan / Nauru)
📖 Ban ik latj? (North Frisian)
📖 Toho do ahu geleng? (Northern Batak / Pak-Pak Dairi)
📖 Ngimncane na? (Northern Ndebele / Zimbabwean Ndebele)
📖 Na ke o monyenyane? (Northern Sotho / Sepedi / Pedi)
📖 Er eg hjokk? (Nynorn / Norn)
📖 Ngame omushona? (Oshiwambo / Oshindonga Dialect)
📖 Æццæй, æз чысыл дæн? (Ossetian / Ossete / Ossetic)
📖 Mi ta chikitu? (Papiamento / Papiamentu)
📖 آیا زه کوچنې یم؟ (Pashto / Pukhto)
📖 Bin ich glee? (Pennsylvania Dutch / Pennsylvania German)
📖 من کوچیکم؟ (Persian / Farsi)
📖 Sou pequena? (Brazilian Portuguese)
📖 Serei eu pequena? (Portuguese (Portugal))
📖 Asma līkuta? (Prussian / Baltic Prussian)
📖 ¿Uchuy kanichu? (Quechua / Southern Quechua / Cusco Dialect)
📖 काँई मैं छोटी हूं? (Rajasthani / Shekhawati Dialect)
📖 Sun jau pitschna? (Romansh / Romansch)
📖 Mbi yéké kété? (Sango / Sangho)
📖 So pidda? (Sardinian / Sard)
📖 Um A wee? (Scots / Lowland Scots)
📖 A bheil mi beag? (Scottish Gaelic)
📖 A ke monnye? (Setswana / Tswana)
📖 Mon pti mwan? (Seychellois Creole / Kreol seselwa)
📖 我很小吗? (Shanghainese / Hu / Wu Chinese)
📖 Sugnu nica iu? (Sicilian / Calabro-Sicilian)
📖 ڇا آئون ننڍي آهيان؟ (Sindhi)
📖 මම පොඩි ද? (Sinhala / Sinhalese)
📖 Ali sem majhna? (Slovenian / Slovene)
📖 Ngimncinyane yini? (Ndebele / Southern Ndebele / Transvaal Ndebele)
📖 Na ke monyane? (Sesotho [Lesotho] / Southern Sotho)
📖 Na ke monyane? (Sesotho [South Africa] / Southern Sotho)
📖 Gou iq lwi? (Zhuang / Standard Zhuang)
📖 Ngimncane? (Swazi / Swati / siSwati)
📖 Bin ich chlii? (Swiss German)
📖 Mea naʻinaʻi au? (Tahitian / Reo Tahiti)
📖 我個頭小嗎? (Taiwanese / Taiwanese Mandarin / Guoyu)
📖 Nec ṭṭamezyant? (Tamazight / Standard Moroccan Berber / Amazigh)
📖 நான் சிறியவளாக இருக்கிறேனா? (Tamil)
📖 నేను చిన్నగా ఉన్నానా? (Telugu)
📖 Ha’u ki’ik ka lae? (Tetum / Tetun Dili)
📖 ང་ཆུང་ཆུང་རེད་འདུག་གམ། (Tibetan)
📖 Mi liklik? (Tok Pisin / New Guinea Pidgin)
📖 U ri ndzi ntsanana? (Tsonga)
📖 Au e foliki? (Tuvaluan / Tuvalu)
📖 Sym ja małka? (Upper Sorbian)
📖 مەن كىچىكمۇ؟ (Uyghur / Uighur)
フィリップのアプリはインターネット上で何百万回もダウンロードされています。友情、マインドフルネス、幸せなどの本質的なテーマに新しい見方を投げかける彼の著書は、あらゆる国の言葉に翻訳され、世界中の読者に愛読されています。 続きを読む...